Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Message To Our Followers

Dear loyal readers,
Some of you have likely noticed the lack of new posts coming from Prehistoric Hoops as of late, without any explanation. Well, you deserve one, and here it is:

We here at Prehistoric Hoops have gone on a blogging strike until the Raptors can win 3 games in a row.
In doing this, Prehistoric Hoops hopes to send a message. In fact, one might refer to what we are doing as a 21st century hunger strike.

We feel that our demand is very reasonable as it is no fun to blog about a loss every night, this has done enough damage thus far. My co-blogger has fallen ill due to the disappointment that is the 2008-2009 Raptors season.

See you after the Raptors can get three wins in a row, loyal fans,


I Swear I'm A D-League All Star and In BC We Trust


Chipper Off the Ol' Block said...

Feel better, Boston College...or Bowl Championship? Bryan Colangelo does not deserve to be in your name at the moment.

Mintz... said...

At least Colangelo admits his mistakes... AKA gets rid of O'neal when we clearly dont need him/he's not helping us.
The raps just suck in general...

Mintz... said...

The Raptors suck.

Benjamin said...

shouldn't you have said that before they won two straight? not that that makes them world-beaters. but it made more sense.